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Our Impact

Making a Difference

We equip health & social service providers with the tools to improve outcomes by leveraging SDoH interventions with a streamlined approach to organizing & tracking user progress for better health outcomes.
Young Businesswomen
A social service agency used OurREACH™ to deliver a skills development program, which resulted in an 85.3% user engagement rate, and an 86.67% skill improvement rate
upon program completion.

Studies indicate intervention solutions result in better health & other outcomes

Our platform can help boost & scale proven SDoH intervention programs through the use of AI-driven solutions, advanced analytics,
& data integration with providers

Dashboard for providers is divided into categories aimed to organize & navigate users' SDoH intervention on one platform, to enable programs to IMPROVE & REPORT impact more clearly â€‹

Video Call

FITS INTO WORKFLOWS & CONNECTS to provider & payor EHRs, CRMs, & assessment tools, and can stand alone; AI FACILITATES personalization & extends staff capacity

Computer Class

EMPOWERS individuals & families 
whole-person way, via milestones/goals, linked curated resources in health, Social Drivers of Health, parenting, & more to progress to IMPROVED OUTCOMES

On the Phone

Intuitive, customizable, and highly engaging UI/UX with built in reward system as a motivator, personal calendar & notifications integration, and language translation

What our customers are saying...
" us a way to track generational cycles of poverty by using clearly-defined and established milestones & goals for each teen parent."

Social Services Leader

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