Leaders from the early learning community—and beyond—will gather July 22-24 at
the HeadStarter Network’s fourth annual Early Childhood Innovation Summit, organized in conjunction with the National Head Start Association. Lambent Data™ Co-founder and CEO Kirsten Hund Blair is excited to be a panelist for the kick-off panel"Re-imagining How We Deliver the Promise of Early Childhood Education." She also is enthusiastic about displaying the OurVisit™ collaborative software platform and app during the "Innovator Studio" session. If you are a participant in the Summit and/or the related Head Start conference, please click on this survey to provide feedback -- thanks so much!
The goal of this year’s Summit, to be held in Indianapolis, is to catalyze and disseminate ideas, processes, and technologies to increase quality in early childhood development and education. Participants will explore cutting edge ideas through interactive sessions focused on current and future innovations that we can put into practice in early childhood education.
Lambent Data™ is building the OurVisit™ collaborative software platform and app to empower and equip social service agencies and families: to communicate smoothly, set and track shared goals, access resources, provide data analytics, and more. This will reduce inefficiencies and save costs for agencies (public and non-profit), as well as boost outcomes for families. Both results will also be attractive for the funders of the agencies. The software includes many features that are grounded in research.
See more details about the Summit at: https://www.headstarternetwork.org/2019-early-childhood-innovation-summit.